
Mobile application with free access

The e-Tour Guide application contains information about tourist sites and businesses serving tourism in the Blagoevgrad region, Bulgaria and the border regions of the Republic of Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia. The goal is to promote tourist sites and businesses to potential tourists who decide to visit them. The sites presented contain general information on type and location, contacts, entrance fees, parking, accessibility, offered products and services without the possibility of direct sale. For the inclusion of new objects and businesses, the possibility of free publication of information through an administrative module by an administrator is given. An opportunity has been created for voice, photo, video and VR presentation of objects, products and services, and the inclusion of information in the application is free.
For users, the application displays all published objects, giving the user the opportunity to view them and make a selection of one or more. When selecting an object, the user can see all information about it (text, photos, audio and video files, where applicable). Ability to search by certain criteria and filter information by categories and topics. Possibility of comments and impressions visible to all users of the application.
Upon download, no registration is required to use the app. You can use it as a guest, but if you want to leave comments for a specific object, a one-step registration is required – with an e-mail or a social profile.

Mobile application e-Tour Guide was developed within the framework of the project “Strengthening the competitiveness and extroversion of cross-border business through the implementation of innovative and specialized actions” with the acronym INNOBUS, Grant Agreement No. В6.3а.14/13.04.2021, funded under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development and the national budgets of the participating countries.
The content of the e-Tour Guide application is the sole responsibility of the “Focus” Association and in no way can be assumed to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries, the Governing Body and the Joint Secretariat.